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Story: Mixed Grant & Loan

SPID Theatre

Fund: Recovery Loan Fund
Type: Mixed Grant & Loan
Location: London
Date: August 2022

Key achievements:

  • Funding building renovation work

SPID Theatre used the Recovery Loan Fund (RLF) with Flexible Finance to finance the renovation of the theatre and to increase green space near their facility.

Social Impact

SPID makes art that advocates housing justice. The organisation was invited into the neglected community rooms of Kensal House estate by the residents association in 2005. Since then SPID have developed award winning youth and community programs called Estate Endz, Estate Voices, Far Far Away and Community Hub. Young people develop skills in arts, heritage and advocacy that empower those experiencing landlord negligence / rent poverty to champion investment in social housing.

The film below titled A Year With SPID insight into their award winning work. 


How we helped

SPID had secured funding for a much needed refurbishment of their run down community theatre, but they had a shortfall. They were also keen to scale up their free activities in order to meet demand, so required funding for that as well. They were recommend to apply to SIB by one of their current funders. The application process was simple and straightforward, and the support they received really improved the resilience of their organisation.

Pictured: Renovations at Kensal House

"SPID hugely appreciates the flexible finance package we received from RLF, which has allowed us to refurbish our neglected council estate community theatre and scale up our free activities."

Helena Thompson
Artistic Director at SPID Theatre

What was the outcome?

SIB has funded both the capital works side of the current refurbishment and the cost of their free activities, as well as providing a loan while they adjust to a new space and business plan.

SPID’s ambition is to raise the profile of social housing by teaching others how they have secured ground breaking investment in a council estate community space.

Find out more about the Recovery Loan Fund.

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Learn how where we started, who we are, and how we’re making a difference through social investing

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Learn more about SIB

Learn how where we started, who we are, and how we’re making a difference through social investing

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